Aditya Hrudayam Series – Week 18 (Shloka 13)

Aditya Hrudayam Series Week 18
Shloka Taatparyam Shloka 13

व्योमनाथस्तमोभेदी ऋग्यजुःसामपारगः। 
घनवृष्टिरपां मित्रो विन्ध्यवीथीप्लवङ्गमः॥ 13 ॥

Vyomanāthastamobhedī ṛgyajuḥsāmapāragaḥ
ghanavṛṣṭirapāṃ mitro vindhyavīthīplavaṅgamaḥ ॥ 13 ॥


He is the lord who rules the sky

He breaks the darkness in the sky every morning ( and also the darkness i.e. ignorance that resides within us)

He is the master of Rig, Yajur and Sama Vedas

He is the cause of heavy rains. (Without him there is no rain – A subtle hint at the water cycle. Sun’s rays causes evaporation of the water into water vapors, which then condense in the clouds and reaches back the earth by precipitation. A more detailed description follows later in Shloka 22)

He is the friend of Varuna ( the rain God or the lord of water )

He effortlessly travels in the sky (across the vindhya mountains) with little or no physical exertion (like a monkey that jumps between trees with ease). 
This brings to mind a very famous story about Vindhya mountains, the Sun and Sage Agastya. Vindhya is the famous mountain range that separates the Deccan Plateau from the Indo-Gangetic plains of North India. According to the ancient legends, the Vindhya mountain which is considered a living deity, asked Surya to circumambulate him, even as he was doing to the Meru mountain. When Surya politely refused, Vindhya started growing taller and taller, obstructing his path. The gods in heaven who were alarmed at this, requested the great sage Agastya to intervene. When Agastya arrived Vindhya bowed to him. The sage commanded him to be like that, until he returned from the south, which he never did.

व्योम – Sky
नाथ – Ruler
तमो – Darkness 
भेदी – one who breaks, interrupts
ऋग् यजुः साम – Rig Yajur and Sama the three Vedas
पारगः – fully conversant or familiar with, accompolished, Mastered
घन – heavy
वृष्टि – rain
रपां apam – of water
मित्रो – friend
विन्ध्य – vindhya mountains
वीथी – street, lane, way, row
प्लव – monkey
ङ्गमः – move

Aditya Hrudayam Series – Week 17 (Shloka 12)

Aditya Hrudayam Series Week 17
Shloka Taatparyam Shloka 12

हिरण्यगर्भः शिशिरस्तपनो भास्करो रविः। 
अग्निगर्भोऽदितेः पुत्रः शङ्खः शिशिरनाशनः॥ 12 ॥

Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ śiśirastapano bhāskaro raviḥ
agnigarbho’diteḥ putraḥ śaṅkhaḥ śiśiranāśanaḥ ॥ 12 ॥


He is the soul of this universe (Hiranyagarbha, the golden womb)
He cools this world down (as he disappears below the horizon due to the diurnal rotation of the earth)
He powers the world by generating heat (by the nuclear fusion in the core)
He gives us light (and knowledge)
He shines in the sky as the Sun
He has fire in his womb (once again in reference to the nuclear fusion in the core of Sun)
He is Aditi’s son (He is the son of Aditi and Kashyapa maharishi)
He sounds his conch (which awakens us from our ignorance) 
He destroys the cold (inertness)

हिरण्यगर्भः (हिरण्य + गर्भः) – Golden womb i.e. soul of the universe
शिशिर – cold 
तपनो (तपन्+ओ)- Heat (one who generates)
भास्करो (भास्कर+ओ) – Shining with light, glittering
रविः – The Sun God
अग्निगर्भो (अग्नि+गर्भ+ओ) – womb of fire
दितेः (अदितेः) – Aditi’s
पुत्रः – Son
शङ्खः – Conch
शिशिर – Cold
नाशनः – destroyer

Coronal Streamer

Here is the update on the ‘Coronal Streamer” photo that I posted for my AH blog today.

This an up close shot of the Sun’s atmosphere, the corona, usually in regions of increased solar activity. It is the most recent (taken Nov. 8, 2018, at 1:12 a.m. EST) and closest picture about 16.9M miles from the Sun’s surface). This was taken by taken by the Parker Solar Probe launched by NASA to study about solar particles. 

As we are discussing this picture here is some bonus info on a very unique cosmic coincidence. This involves the spacecraft that have been engaged in studying and collecting scientific data from the Sun. The spacecraft are Voyager 2 (launched in Aug 1977) and Parker Solar probe (launched AUG 2018). The Two probes were launched four decades apart. They carry similar equipments to study the plasma particles from the sun. But they traveled in opposite directions and crossed into new territory on both edges of the heliosphere on the SAME DAY without any orchestrated trajectory corrections or calculations. Voyager 2 left the heliosphere and went interstellar space while Parker solar probe went close to the Sun. Voyager 2 left heliosphere into intergalactic space and is at a staggering distance of 120 astronomical units (AU) away from the Sun (Earth is on average 1 AU away from the Sun) while the Parker Solar Probe made its first close approach to our sun and is at less than one fifth of an AU from the surface of the Sun. And, the bright object near the center of the image is Mercury!

Aditya Hrudayam Series – Week 16 (Shloka 11)

Aditya Hrudayam Series Week 16
Shloka Taatparyam Shloka 11

Before going into the blog, please check out this week’s featured photo. It is very special and unique. It portrays Lord Surya from an angle as close as has been possible till date (about 16.9M miles from the Sun’s surface). It was recently taken by the Parker Solar Probe launched by NASA. How is that for celebrating Sun who personifies Veda and Vigyaana? 

More details on this picture to follow in a separate post and let us move on to today’s shloka.

हरिदश्वः सहस्रार्चिः सप्तसप्तिर्मरीचिमान्। 
तिमिरोन्मथनः शम्भुस्त्वष्टा मार्ताण्ड अंशुमान्॥ 11 ॥

Haridaśvaḥ sahasrārciḥ saptasaptirmarīcimān
Timironmathanaḥ śambhustvaṣṭā mārtāṇḍa aṃśumān॥ 11 ॥


He has fallow colored horses ( NOT black,white etc as depicted in most illustrations)
He has a thousand rays.  
He is radiant.  
He has seven horses and emits (white light that splits into) seven colors. (see attached photo)
He is the dispeller of darkness (also the internal ignorance). He is the progenitor who grants happiness to all (by nourishing their lives with his light and warmth).  
He is the one who sculpts this world. 
He is the huge bird in the sky that beams light (of knowledge and wisdom)

हरिदश्वः हरिद+ अश्वः – horses that are fallow(pale brown) colored. Fallow is the color of sandy soil

सहस्रार्चिः – one who has a thousand rays (infinite)

सप्तसप्तिर – one who has seven of the same kind ( seven horses, seven rays)

र्मरीचिमान् – radiant

तिमिरोन – darkness

मथनः – one who shakes off, destroys

शम्भु – progenitor, one who grants happiness

स्त्वष्टा – one who gives shape (in mother’s womb), sculpts. 

मार्ताण्ड – Bird in sky that which emits light

अंशुमान् – sunbeam, full of light rays

Aditya Hrudayam Series – Week 15 (Shloka 10)

Aditya Hrudayam Series Week 15
Shloka Taatparyam Shloka 10

So far the 9 shlokas describe the battlefield and arrival of Sage Agastya (Shlokas 1&2), Sage addressing Rama (Shloka 3), the benefits of chanting (Shlokas 4&5) and the greatness Lord Surya (Shlokas 7,8,&9). Now begins the part (Shlokas 10 thru 15) where the Sage starts explaining the physical attributes and properties of Lord Surya. Each Shloka from this point on is a gem. And, they are spot-on, scientifically valid, poetically elegant, and beautifully narrate Lord Surya. 

Here goes Shloka 10:

आदित्यः सविता सूर्यः खगः पूषा गभस्तिमान्।
सुवर्णसदृशो भानुर्हिरण्यरेता दिवाकरः॥ 10 ॥

ādityaḥ savitā sūryaḥ khagaḥ pūṣā gabhastimān
suvarṇasadṛśo bhānurhiraṇyaretā divākaraḥ ॥ 10 ॥


He is the son of Aditi (which is why he is referred to as Aditya) 

Note: It is very common in Samskritam to refer to sons in this way. It makes a lot of sense as well. Examples: Pandavas are Kunti putraaha and referred to as Kaunteyas. Karna is Radha’s putra referred to as Radheya. Similarly, Krishna is Devaki nandhan, Duryodhana is Gandhari nandhan, Rama is Kausalya nandhan, Lakshmana is Sumitra nandhan etc etc). 

He is very bright. 

He is Suryah, the Supreme light.

He moves swiftly in space (refers to the sky) like a bird (He crosses one division of the sky (zodiac) in one month). 

He nourishes and protects all the beings (provides light and heat for our survival). 

He has bright rays. 

He glitters as gold. 

He resembles a seed (refers to the Sun sphere) and his rays are like a stream (of liquid gold) emanating from the golden seed. 

He is the creator of days (meaning he creates days and nights for us thru his golden rays).

आदित्यः – Surya, the son of Aditi
सविता – bright
सूर्यः – Supreme light
खगः – object (bird) that moves in space (air)
पूषा – nourisher
गभस्तिमान् – shining rays
सुवर्ण – Gold
सदृशो – resembles
भानु – Sun
र्हिरण्य – Golden
रेता – seed
दिवाकरः – Day maker

Aditya Hrudayam Series – Week 14 (Shloka 9)

Aditya Hrudayam Series Week 14
Shloka Taatparyam Shloka 9

पितरो वसवः साध्या ह्यश्विनौ मरुतो मनुः।
वायुर्वह्निः प्रजाप्राण ऋतुकर्ता प्रभाकरः॥ 9 ॥

Pitaro vasavaḥ sādhyā hyaśvinau maruto manuḥ |
vāyurvahniḥ prajāprāṇa ṛtukartā prabhākaraḥ || 9 ||

This Shloka is a beautiful Shloka that mentions Lord Surya to be ancestor of all the major deities. It also mentions Lord Surya is the creator of Seasons. which is scientifically true.


Lord Surya is the ancestor of all deities. They are Ashta Vasus, the eight Vasus who are Anala, Anila, Soma, Ahas, Dhara, Dhruva, Pratyoosha and Prabhasa (Elemental Gods also refered by other names given below in the meaning section. Follow this link to an interesting story on Ashtavasus as mentioned in Mahabaratha.…/10-ashta-vasus-ei…

Sadhyas, Ashwini twins (the Gods of health and medicine), Maruts (he storm Gods), and Manu (progenitor of the human race). HE is Vayu (the wind God) and HE is Agni (the fire God) and is the life breath that is present inside all living beings. HE is the creator of seasons and the giver of light.

पितरो – Ancestor

वसवः – Elemental Gods or the attendant detities of Lord Indira. Refers to Ashtavasus, the five elemental gods Prithvi, Agni, Vayu, Varuna, Akasha, and Sun, Moon, and Stars.

साध्या – Sadhyas are the 12 vedic gods of Yajnas

ह्यश्विनौ – Ashwini twins – The divine twin horsemen who are the Vedic Gods of Medicine

मरुतो – Maruts – Storm deities. They are very aggressive and violent deities armed with lightening and thunderbolt

मनुः – Manu – Progenitor of the current human race

वायुर्वह्निः वायु+वह्निः – Vayu, the wind God and Agni the fire God

प्रजा – Humans, living beings

प्राण – Life breath

ऋतु – seasons

कर्ता – Creator
This is scientifically true also as the tilt in earth’s axis in relation to its orbit around the sun is what causes seasons.

प्रभाकरः – Lord Surya, the giver of light

Aditya Hrudayam Series – Week 13 (Shloka 8)

Aditya Hrudayam Series Week 13 
Shloka Taatparyam Shloka 8

एष ब्रह्मा च विष्णुश्च शिवः स्कन्दः प्रजापतिः।
महेन्द्रो धनदः कालो यमः सोमो ह्यपां पतिः॥ 8॥

Eṣa brahmā ca viṣṇuśca śivaḥ skandaḥ prajāpatiḥ
mahendro dhanadaḥ kālo yamaḥ somo hyapāṃ patiḥ ॥ 8॥


This person (Lord Surya) is prevading in all. HE is Brahma, HE is Vishnu, HE is Shiva, HE is Skanda, and HE is the progenitor of all creatures. HE is the lord of Devendra (Lord of Devas), Kubera (Lord of wealth), Kala (The eternal Time), Yama (Lord of death), Chandra (Moon God) and Varuna (Lord of Oceans).

एष – He, This person
ब्रह्मा – Brahma
च – and
विष्णुश्च – विष्णु + च – Vishnu and
शिवः – Shiva
स्कन्दः – Skanda, Karthikeya
प्रजापतिः – Vedic deity, Progenitor of Human Race, Lord of all creartures
महेन्द्रो – Devendra
धनदः – Lord of wealth, Kubera
कालो – Eternal Time, Kala
यमः – Lord Yama
सोमो – Lord Chandra
ह्यपां – Varuna
पतिः – Lord, Master






             Chandra and Rohini


Aditya Hrudayam Series – Week 12 (Shloka 7)

Aditya Hrudayam Series Week 12 
Shloka Taatparyam Shloka 7

सर्वदेवात्मको ह्येष तेजस्वी रश्मिभावनः।
एष देवासुरगणाँल्लोकान् पाति गभस्तिभिः॥ 7 ॥

Sarvadevātmako hyeṣa tejasvī raśmibhāvanaḥ
eṣa devāsuragaṇām̐llokān pāti gabhastibhiḥ || 7 ||


This person (referring to Lord Surya) is the embodiment of all Gods (He has the essence of all Gods within Him). He is very bright and manifests himself (to the world) as rays (of light). This person (once again referring to Lord Surya) protects the worlds of the deva and asura tribes with His rays.

सर्व – All
देवात्मको (देव + आत्मको) – devas, Gods
आत्मको – essence, embodiment
ह्येष (एषः) – This person
तेजस्वी – Brightest
रश्मि – Light rays
भावनः – manifest, discern
एष – This person
देवासुर – Devas and asuras
गणाँ – group, tribe
ल्लोकान् – worlds
पाति – protects
गभस्तिभिः – with his rays

Aditya Hrudayam Series – Week 11 (Shloka 6)

Aditya Hrudayam Series Week 11 
Shloka Taatparyam Shloka 6

रश्मिमन्तं समुद्यन्तं देवासुरनमस्कृतम् ।
पूजयस्व विवस्वन्तं भास्करं भुवनेश्वरम् ॥ 6 ॥

rashmi mantam samudyantam devasura namaskritam |
pujayasva vivasvantam bhaskaram bhuvaneshvaram || 6 ||


Lord Surya is filled with golden rays, shines equally (for all ??) and is worshipped by both Devas and Asuras.  He is to be worshipped as he is extremely bright, glittering, and the lord of the world.

Note :
samudyantam – Another interpretation of this word is symmetrical.  This also makes perfect sense as Sun scientifically considered to be a perfect sphere.

Vivaswan, Bhaskara, Bhuvaneswara
Surya is referred to in this Shloka by his other names Vivaswan (one who is bright), Bhaskara (one who is glittering), and Bhuvaneshwara (Lord of the world).

रश्मिमन्तं – Filled with rays (of light)
समुद्यन्तं – shines equally, symmetrical
देवासुर (देव+असुर)- Devas & Asuras
नमस्कृतम् – worship him
पूजयस् – worthy of worship
विवस्वन्तं – Vivaswan, one who is effulgent, bright
भास्करं – Bhaskara, one who is glitters
भुवनेश्वरम् भुवनं + ईश्वरम् – lord of the world

Aditya Hrudayam Series – Week 10 (Shloka 5)

Aditya Hrudayam Series Week 10 
Shloka Taatparyam Shloka 5

सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्यं सर्वपापप्रणाशनम्।
चिन्ताशोकप्रशमनम् आयुर्वर्धनमुत्तमम्॥ 5॥

Sarvamaṅgalamāṅgalyaṃ sarvapāpapraṇāśanam |
cintāśokapraśamanam āyurvardhanamuttamam || 5 || 


(This shloka) symbolizes prosperity and auspiciousness, destroys all sins, quenches all worries and sorrows and is extremely good for increasing the longevity (of the person who chants it everyday)

सर्व – all
मङ्गल – prosperity
माङ्गल्यं – auspiciousness
सर्व – all
पाप – sins
प्रणाशनम् – annihilate, causing to disappear
चिन्ता – worries
शोक – sorrows
प्रशमनम् – pacify, heal, quench
आयु्र् – longevity
र्वर्धन – extend, causing to increase
उत्तमम् – very good