Aditya Hrudayam – Week 20 (Shloka 15)

Aditya Hrudayam Series Week 20
Shloka Taatparyam Shloka 15

नक्षत्रग्रहताराणामधिपोविश्वभावनः ।
तेजसामपीतेजस्वी द्वादशात्मन्नमोऽस्तु ते ॥ 15 ॥

Nakṣatragrahatārāṇāmadhipo viśvabhāvanaḥ ।
tejasāmapi tejasvī dvādaśātman namo’stu te ॥ 15 ॥


He is the lord (the presiding deity) of all star constellations (zodiac), planets, and stars.

He conceives the whole world in his mind, meaning nothing happens in this world without his influence

tejasāmapi tejasvī 
He is brightest amongst the bright (he has more energy than even the most energetic)

Dvādaśātman namo’stu te
My salutations to you Aditya, who manifests in twelve forms.

The twelve adityas represent a distinct type of energy and a different aditya rules or shines in each lunar month.

1. As Datha (Chitra) he creates living beings
2. As Aryama (Vaishaka) he roams the mountains and makes lotuses bloom
3. As Mitra (Jyeshta) he prevents darkness
4. As Varuna (Ashada) he is in the waters
5. As Indra (Shravana) he destroys the enemies
6. As Vivasvan (Bhadrapada) he is in the fire and helps to cook food
7. As Tvashta (Ashvina or Aipasi in tamil) he lives in trees and herbs
8. As Vishnu (Karthigai) he is the head of all adityas and protects all beings
9. As Amshuman (Margashirsha) he is in wind
10. As Bhaga (Pasha or Thai in tamil) he heads the thithis, ghatikas, Ayanas etc
11. As Pushy (Magha) he grows food crops
12. As Parjanya (Phalguna) he heats up the world and powers water cycle

नक्षत्र –Nakshatra – star constellation
ग्रह – Graha– Planet
ताराणा – Taraanam– star 
अिधपो – Adhipo (derived from adhipati)- lord or the presiding deity
विश्व – Vishwa – world
भावनः – bhavanah – causing to be, manifesting
तेजसामपी – (तेजस+अपी) Tejasaamapi Tejas is bright, energitic
अपी- api – even
तेजस्वी – Tejasvi – Brilliant, energetic
द्वादश – Dwadasha – Twelve
आत्मन् – Atman – Soul, Spirit
नमोऽस्तु – नमस्+अस्तु +ते 
नमस्- Namas – Salute in reverence
अस्तु – Astu – ok, let it be
ते – Te – To you