Aditya Hrudayam Series Week 32
Shloka Taatparyam Shloka 27
फलश्रुतिः/ Phalashruti:
अस्मिन् क्षणे महाबाहो रावणं त्वं वधिष्यसि।
एवमुक्त्वा ततोगस्त्यो जगाम च यथागतम्॥ 27 ॥
Asmin kṣaṇe mahābāho rāvaṇaṃ tvaṃ vadhiṣyasi।
evamuktvā tatogastyo jagāma ca yathāgatam॥ 27 ॥
O mighty armed (Rama), at this very moment in time you will slay Ravana (also the Ravanas in our minds). After speaking thus (predicting Rama’s victory over Ravana), sage Agastya left tracing his steps back in the same manner as he arrived.
Summing up all the phala shruthis, chanting Aditya Hrudayam destroys enemies, ensures victory, invites success, keeps us in bliss, gives prosperity, auspiciousness, destroys all sins, sorrows, worries, confers longevity and good health, will help overcome threats and dangers to mind and body.
Scientifically, sun boosts mood and metabolism. It helps keep a positive attitude. It is true that attitude is every thing in life. We are what our minds think. If what we think is positive, it will reflect in our thoughts, intentions, words, actions and hence the results will also be positive and life will be successful.
Spiritually, according to Hindu philosophy all things in this world, living and non-living, have three basic attributes.
1.Sattva (state of contentment)
2. Rajas (state of ebb and flow)
3.Tamas (state of hollowness)
Of the three attributes, the one that brings sustained success is Sattva. Success is primarily an outcome of state of harmony and balance. The resources and circumstances (whether favorable or unfavorable) are tangential and immaterial.
It is my opinion that controlling the mind by keeping a state of balance and harmony is key to success in life. Aditya Hrudayam and sun worship help us precisely with that. It is the absolute truth and no maya or mantra.
अस्मिन् Asmin – at this very
क्षणे kṣaṇe – moment in time
महाबाहो mahābāho – strong arms (addressing Rama)
रावणं rāvaṇaṃ – Ravana
त्वं tvaṃ – you
वधिष्यसि vadhiṣyasi – will kill, slay
एवम् evam – thus
उक्त्वा uktvā – speaking
ततो tadā – then
अगस्त्यो āgastyo – sage Agastya
जगाम jagāma – left, returned
च ca – and, also
यथागतम् yathāgatam – retraced in the same manner