Aditya Hrudayam Series Week 31
Shloka Taatparyam Shloka 26
फलश्रुतिः/ Phalashruti:
पूजयस्वैनमेकाग्रो देवदेवं जगत्पतिम्।
एतत् त्रिगुणितं जप्त्वा युद्धेषु विजयिष्यसि॥ 26 ॥
Pūjayasvainamekāgro devadevaṃ jagatpatim ।
etat triguṇitaṃ japtvā yuddheṣu vijayiṣyasi ॥ 26 ॥
Meaning: (as addressed by Agastya to Rama)
“If you worship this lord of all other Gods, the master of this universe with a concentrated mind and recite this hymn three times you will emerge victorious in this battle”.
Even though sage Agastya addresses this to lord Rama, the real audience for this critical take home message, in my opinion, is us.
The underlying metaphorical meaning (as addressed to us)
If we chant this shloka with a concentrated mind and pure body and worship sun regularly, we will also defeat the ten headed demon (all the negativities in our mind) and emerge victorious in the battle (of life), every single time.
The above narrative in Ramayana shows how Aditya Hrudayam and sun worship manifests with enormous potency instantaneously in Rama. Similarly, regular sun worship over time will manifest as power and attitude in our mind and body to trounce any physical or emotional adversity.
It is repeatedly reiterated throughout this shloka that lord Surya drives away the darkness from the Cosmos. Similarly, He is the most powerful force who can drive out the darkness residing in our minds. There is no doubt that Aditya Hrudayam will synchronize the mind, body and intellect to achieve the benefits listed in phala shruthi.
पूजयस्व Pūjayasva – worship
एनम् enam – Him
एकाग्रो ekāgro – with unified or concentrated mind
देवदेवं devadevaṃ – God of all other Gods
जगत्पतिम् jagatpatim – master of this universe
एतत् etat – this
त्रिगुणितं triguṇitaṃ – times three (gunitam is to multiply)
जप्त्वा japtvā – repeating the chant (japa is to repeat)
युद्धेषु yuddheṣu – in the battle
विजयिष्यसि vijayiṣyasi – you will emerge victoriou