Aditya Hrudayam Series Week 30
Shloka Taatparyam Shloka 25
फलश्रुतिः/ Phalashruti:
एनमापत्सु कृच्छ्रेषु कान्तारेषु भयेषु च।
कीर्तयन् पुरुषः कश्चिन्नावसीदति राघव॥ 25 ॥
Enamāpatsu kṛcchreṣu kāntāreṣu bhayeṣu ca ।
kīrtayan puruṣaḥ kaścinnāvasīdati rāghava ॥ 25 ॥
O Raaghava, however hopeless the situation may be, however huge the calamity or hardship may be, even if left lonely in a dangerous forest or when scared or nervous, any man who sings (His glories in) this prayer is not let down (to sink).
The essence of this shloka is that anyone who chants this prayer will overcome any kind of physical or emotional threat or danger. It can be interpreted both scientifically and spiritually. And, it makes sense both ways. To explain this further, I will have to circle back to the very beginning.
We all know Aditya Hrudayam is a prayer hymn addressed by the Sage Agastya to Lord Rama who was over-whelmed in the battle against demon king Ravana. Interpreted figuratively, Rama represents our soul and the ten-headed Ravana represents the ego and all the negativities that reside in minds. Many times in life there is a constant battle in our minds to overcome these negative forces. When facing such battles the soul loses hope, is very scared and fears defeat. The mind is depressed and turns negative. Sun god is Pratyaksha devata (one who we can see with our eyes) and the one who watches over us at all times. He is full of positive energy and praying to Him will help us overcome all the worries and anxieties in the mind and regain the lost confidence and strength required to trounce the situation.
Scientifically the link lies in the ‘third eye’ the pineal gland. Pineal gland is the gateway to higher consciousness. It is very critical to physical and mental health. When activated, it causes an inner awakening and provides the clarity of thoughts and vision beyond ordinary. And, the way to awaken the pineal gland is to do sun gazing and worship at dawn. Dawn is the time when there is a shift in energy, when earth’s magnetic field is charged. Gazing the sun and chanting the shloka activates the mind. Doing sun salutations (yoga inversions) increases the blood flow to the head. Therefore starting the day with that routine provides us the mental and physical energy to overcome any adversity.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness. We need light to drive out darkness. Lord Surya is luminous and dispels darkness from the cosmos. His (intellectually) positive energy drives out the darkness from our minds.
एनम Enam – (by praising) Him
आपत्सु āpatsu – in distress
कृच्छ्रेषु kṛcchreṣu – in hardship
कान्तारेषु kāntāreṣu – in wilderness, Forest
भयेषु bhayeṣu – in fear, anxiety
च ca – and
कीर्तयन् kīrtayan – sing, chant prayer or glories
पुरुषः puruṣaḥ – man
कश्चिन् kaścin – any
न na – not
अवसीदति avasīdati – let down, sink
राघव rāghava – Raaghava