Aditya Hrudayam Series – Week 6 (Shloka 1)

Aditya Hrudayam Series Week 6 
Shloka Taatparyam Shloka 1

Beginning today, I will post Shloka taatparyam, one shloka a week. As mentioned previously, there are a total of 31 shlokas in Aditya Hrudayam. Shlokas 1 & 2 describe the battlefield scene at the beginning of the war and arrival of Sage Agastya and the other devas to the battlefield to witness the epic war.

ततो युद्ध परिश्रांथम समरे चिन्त्या स्थितम |
रावणम च अगरतो दृषटवा युद्धाय समुपस्थितम || 1 ||

Tato yuddha parishraantam samare chintayaa sthita |
Raavanam chaagrato drishtvaa yuddhaaya samupasthitam || 1 ||


In that battle, exhausted and worried, (Rama) stood in the battlefield as he looked at Ravana fully prepared to fight in front of him.
Tato (Tat + O ) – That
yuddha – battle
parishraantam – exhausted
samare – in the battlefield
chintayaa – worried
sthitam – stood
Raavanam – at Ravana
chaagrato (Ca + aagra +to) – in front of
drishtvaa – looking
yuddhaaya – to fight
samupasthitam (sama + upasthitam) – fully prepared